I’ll Stay Close

In Your hands You hold eternity, and Your steady hand in mine cultivates courage to make decision. At the surface of my intellection it seems I want to be two places at once –

behind You: keeping safe what You have given,


ahead of You: waging warfare against darkness in a procession of worshipping Your name.

But I can’t.

I can’t do either and live.

Behind or ahead – either way is meaningless without being close to You.

If I stay too far behind, I focus on what You’ve done and what I’ve seen of Your glory more than the reality of Your very being “Emmanuel” – God with us, God with me now. I begin to claim a burden of repetition instead of the position of receiving new mercies, instead of walking in the freedom of presentness with You.


if in the worship and freedom I begin dancing too fast, I spin until I fall over. I forget that You desire obedience rather than sacrifice. I forget that the victory is truly already won. Every present battle is simply an echo of “It is finished.”

But if I’ve ever let go – if my grip becomes loose and weak in Your hand, Your strength has provided sufficient grace to hold me soundly near to You.

My Jesus, You are all I need.

So, with my very own free-will bolstered by the courage You inspire, I choose to hold tightly back to You. I choose to draw near to You, knowing that You are ever-present to draw near to me. I choose You; You chose me first.

My “yes” wasn’t for once but for always.

Both the remembering and the extravagant worship are precious evidences of abiding in You, but the purity of both are found only in You. Not behind or ahead.

Now I see You gazing at Your garden with me; hand-in-hand we see the sprouts of new life protruding out of the earth. We tend to them and remember the hard work, even the pain, that it took to cut out all the weeds and cultivate the soil just right. We remember. Remembering together yields hope instead of condemnation. When I am close with You I can’t help but know that what was sowed in precious tears will be reaped with shouts of joy.

As we walk away from the remembrance garden, we dance. We dance freely and extravagantly – both of us giving everything. Your ‘everything’ is to rejoice over me; mine is to respond in grateful adoration, proclaiming that Your name is holy. And because we’re together, my soul is held up in Your everlasting arms, too buoyant to fall. The light of Your face immediately dispels all darkness.

I’ll stay close.

Your Hidden Glory in Creation

Walking around the lake in the early evening, my heart yearned to reflect clearly the heart of God even as the lake reflected the heavenly masterpiece of white clouds, sunshine, and colors of dusk above.

“How do I walk in a way worthy of Your gospel?”

This is the question I asked my Lord as I walked. The path in front of me curved and bended winsomely in different directions, but always stayed inside the boundaries true to itself. Its width never changed even as it lead me sometimes in unexpected directions. Without seeing it with my eyes, but somehow knowing it in my heart, I knew the Lord responded to my question with a gentle, kind, and just a bit rueful smile as I walked upon this winding path. He knows me so much better than I know myself, and sometimes chooses to lead me on adventures that challenge me to leave behind boxes or safety nets, ways of thinking about Him that leave me comfortable but not truly knowing and experiencing His almighty goodness. He doesn’t frighten me with these adventures, because His way may take many turns but its boundaries don’t change. The way of truth is a narrow way with a broad path to my feet (Matthew 7:13,14; Psalm 119:44,45).

Bringing my ponderings back into focus of the present moment, I chose to simply be aware of the Lord’s presence, His closeness with me, as I waited to understand what it was He had for me to do. Soon I came upon a group of partiers taking advantage of a hot Friday night by the lake. I continued past them, but stopped at a small, vacant gazebo several yards off. The only specific action I sensed the Lord give me was to worship. To dance with Him, just like I love to do. So I turned on worship music from my phone and began to dance, expressing to God the highest magnitude possible of my gratitude to Him, my faith in Him, my love for Him. For me, time stands still in these kinds of moments. However, reality soon sped up, and each of those precious moments of exchange – expressing love to Him and receiving more and more of Love’s expression – became invaluable to prepare for the next moment’s encounter.

A scantily clad young woman from the partiers’ group ran up and began dancing beside me, but not with the intention of worship. She was booty dancing and seeking the attention of the group, receiving cat calls and laughter as a response. As she started dancing I stopped and, quite honestly, took a moment to give a rueful glance back to the Lord as I asked Him about the best way to respond! What I received from the Holy Spirit in that moment was wisdom as to the spiritual atmosphere. I realized that Satan wanted to place the attention on himself and take it away from the Lord, but the Lord would use the opportunity to take what was exposed as darkness and expel it with light.

After several moments of the raucous dancing, the young woman stopped and looked at me. I looked at her, and waited for what she wanted to say.

“What are you doing?” she asked me. “I saw you dancing. It was a really interesting kind of dance. Were you doing ballet or something? What were you doing?”

Meekly yet straightforwardly I replied, “I am worshipping Jesus.”

“Oh…” was her initial response. I could see in her face she wasn’t sure what she should think about this, and she was nervous about what I thought of her.

“Sorry if what I was doing offended you,” she said.

I shook my head to indicate she had nothing to worry about, and quickly stuck out my hand for a handshake before she could run back to the partiers’ group. “What’s your name?”

She told me her name, and I told her it was beautiful. She took another look at me. Then she asked me a question I wasn’t expecting.

“Will you teach me to do that?”

“What?” I replied.

“Will you teach me to do that kind of dance you were doing? It’s beautiful; I want to try.”

This was one of those twists on the path of this adventure, but I knew the Lord was holding me safe within the boundaries of His love, so I said, “Yes, sure I’ll teach you!”

I turned my worship music back on, and took her hand as we did simple pliés together standing under the gazebo. Soon another woman from the group came over and asked what we were doing. “She’s worshipping Jesus, and teaching me to dance!” my new friend explained. I thought to myself that I was grateful that if nothing else, by the end of this encounter this precious young woman would have a new perspective on dancing!

There we were, three of us hand-in-hand under a gazebo on a hot Friday evening, practicing pliés and relevés and tendus to the rhythm of “You were the Word at the beginning, one with God the LORD Most High! Your hidden glory in creation, now revealed in You our Christ! What a beautiful name…” (Hillsong “What a Beautiful Name”)

My new friends later walked back to their group and had a few more sips of beer and some more raucous laughs. But I know that through even a moment experiencing the glory and presence of God something was changed in their hearts. It will be their choice whether or not they choose to seek Him out more, and with that unknown I simply entrust it to the Lord. I know He will never stop pursuing them, even as I remember back to His relentless pursuit of my own heart. I pray for them. I have faith for their salvation.

And as for me, I continue to stand in awe of His brilliance, and with humble delight reflect His glory even as the heavens glisten their reflection off of the still water.

Articulating Grace

As I wake up from the dream, there is a stillness that settles over my soul.

A quietness.

A rest.

A reality breathed upon by something deeper than can be touched.

I am outside of it now, outside of being in it – the dream, that is.

But I remember.

I remember everything He spoke, but most of all I remember His face as we danced. Yes, that is what I remember the most – the beauty of all He is, and the kindness in His eyes. Simply by His gaze upon me I knew that He had called me to be a part of the heavenward destiny that is overtaking the earth.

He called me to be His.

I wake up from the dream, and I don’t see His eyes so clearly, but His presence around me and within is even greater than what I could see with my eyes.

He is heaven itself, and He is overtaking the earth.

This is my Beloved, and this is my friend.


Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you. – Genesis 28:15

Dance with Me

When the Lord invites me to dance with Him, the only barrier to each waltz is a simple “yes.”

A choice.

A trust.

An obedience.

A “yes.”

Even as it is painful to love, the vulnerability of a dance involves pain as well. It involves letting go and becoming blind to the outcome of what will be, but that cost is soon forgotten when you see and receive the joy of simply beholding His face. His goodness, His kindness, His love.

So we have come to know and believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. By this is love perfected in us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgement, because as He is so also are we in this world. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. We love because He first loved us. – 1 John 4:16-19

This week the Lord gave me a gift of witnessing the miraculous abundance He brings in our lives when we simply say “yes.” A student who had just arrived for the new Discipleship Training School approached me one morning with tears in her eyes. She spoke in broken English; nevertheless, she summoned determination to communicate her story. That morning when she had seen me dancing during our school-wide prayer time, she was reminded of a vision God had given her in January of this year. In this vision she had seen me dancing; this was before we had ever met! By seeing me dance in person God confirmed in her heart that she had made the right decision to come to YWAM Minneapolis for the Discipleship Training School. Hallelujah!

Hearing her story I was moved by the surpassing greatness of God’s faithfulness. He turns every obedience, even painful ones, into a cause for rejoicing. Dancing is one of my most precious ways that I get to worship Him, but each time I take a step there is the cost of vulnerability and the sweetest pain of being loved. Yet He is worthy of it all, and He is so, so good.

He is worth our every obedience.

His love casts out every fear.

Out of his fullness He gives grace upon grace, and brings about more than we could ever ask or imagine.

Yes, Lord, you are so, so good to me. You loved me first; I love you, too.


Droplets crashing, dashing, dancing down mountain height;

twirling, spinning, diving: joyful determination.

All the height that they attained surrendered in extravagant self-giving,

like tears they pour down mountain face to annoint their Maker’s feet.

Outpoured unto freedom, released unto praise, yet quietly, mystically disappearing, the ones who hear receive His tender command: “Go, now rise again!”

Mystically, miraculously they give way to total disappearance.

Quiet. Bold. Selfless. Love.

Yet mountain face will once again behold each drop’s gentle beauty;

Maker’s breath causes rain to fall;

drops surrender once again, outpouring in a waterfall of praise.



“Worthy of every song we could ever sing. . .” echoes within my heart.


He is worthy.

You are worthy, Lord.

Lord Jesus, You are worthy of my every moment, every breath, every song, every dance. You are worthy of my faith and trust, my step-by-step obedience.

You are worthy of the bowed-low posture of every heart, that we may glorify You even with the very beauty You create within us;

and, You are worthy of our receiving-embrace as we receive the grace that raises us heavenward to Your face, beholding the wonder of the justice of Your mercy.

Washed white through crimson blood, receive Your bride dressed in purity and righteousness. Receive Your bride dressed in mercy, as we are led to You, our King.


You are worthy.




Thank you.

It is worth the pain, and it is steeped with waiting.

It is holy; it is of you;

It is sacrifice, 

laying down my life.


Abba, give me a fasting spirit that I may abide in what is real;

You’re my reality.

Let life burst forth in color and singing, in mercy;

every fallen grain of wheat

breathing in life again

at their Creator’s beckon:

“Lazarus, come forth!”

Jesus, be glorified.

Christina’s Choice

Her wide eyes held my gaze as we began to walk with her small shoulders held between my similarly small arms. Each slow step forward echoed with purpose as we headed towards the front of the auditorium.  Christina boldly followed through with her courageous choice.

Christina and I first crossed paths less than an hour before. I saw her when I stepped into a side hallway of this large event center which hosted a “Power and Love” evangelism conference for the last three days.  Tonight would be the final session of corporate worship and preaching with the “Power and Love” team.  Upwards of two-thousand people attended, yet at this moment the only person I could find myself paying attention to was this girl in the hallway with tears on her face.  I wondered what was wrong, and noticed she didn’t even make an effort to wipe away her tears or the fluid from her nose.  While a kind young man began to pray for her, I approached them with tissue in hand.

Christina wept, the man prayed, and I leaned upon the Lord’s grace as I pondered what to do. Realizing Christina still did not make motion to use the tissue for her tears, I gently smoothed them from her eyes, along with the liquid from her dripping nose, silently petitioning Jesus for His comfort upon her life.  After some time, we came to find out that Christina lived homeless on the streets of St. Paul, Minnesota, the location of the “Power and Love” conference.  She had made it into the building to use the bathroom, although her boyfriend waited outside due to legal restrictions against him which prevented his coming onto the premises.  We went out to meet him.  Silas explained to us that his girlfriend, Christina, actually was not pregnant, though she had said to us she was.  He whispered behind her back that she was confused due to intense mental and emotional stress; his statement evidenced itself to us as Christina continued laboring to make known to us her request that we pray for her children, which she said she had twenty-three of.  She appeared not to be hardly more or less my own age of twenty years.

Finally we found out that Christina had come to the event center because she wanted to be at the worship service. Christina “loved church,” Silas said.  He was reluctant to let her go, as he himself could not enter the building to accompany her.  However, his desire for Christina to attend worship won out over his concern.  It came down to Christina’s choice.  Would she leave Silas and her known, familiar circumstances in order to take new, necessary steps?  When she looked wide-eyed at me and then set her gaze forward, we knew Christina’s choice.

Several minutes passed as Christina and I journeyed together into the auditorium. We passed rows of seats and I checked in with my friend to find out if she wanted to sit down, but her intent was set upon the front.  Music began rising like incense around us, leading the thousands of voices present to do the same.  It was truly the sound of heaven.  Christina and I stood together in the midst of the crowd, and though I still felt a protective awareness of her, my full heart’s attention couldn’t help but be set upon the glorious radiance of my God – my Father and Savior and Friend.  When I turned to intentionally check on Christina I found her on her knees – tears returned to her face and hands raised in the air.  Humbling awe and wonder enveloped me.  In the space of a moment my own soul reflected on how far the Lord had brought me and the light of His kindness which He had never failed to shine upon me, which had led me here to now worship alongside this precious young woman.  My knees came to the floor beside her, and together we sang with resolution, “I am no longer a slave to fear; I am a child of God!”

Echoes of “It is Finished”

Echos of “It is finished.”

I hear the echoes of His whispered words. The words when said shattered hell’s agenda eternally, and the echoes fill my every moment with triumph. 

Echoes that ring truer and deeper than what I can see, they beckon me onward in steps of humble victory – victory of the forever risen King.


He said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. – John 19:30

But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the knowledge of him everywhere. – 1 Corinthians 2:14